OpenRadiation enters the CNAM!


OpenRadiation enters the CNAM!

OpenRadiation was used to support a practical session on participatory science, as part of UEV425

Maryse Carmes, lecturer in communication and information sciences at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM) invited OpenRadiation to participate in a work situation in the context of the teaching unit UEV425 “Citizen measurements and digital participatory sciences”. As a first step, a presentation was mase about two study cases, one on quality of air with Romain Chefdor from the FabLab of Rennes metropole, and the second being OpenRadiation, with Renaud Martin and Jean-Marc Bertho. In a second step, the students had to create a project in participatory sciences by using the CASPA guidelines ( ). By the end of the day, a restitution of the work group was done by the students. 

For OpenRadiation, this action was fruitful by identifying potential future actions, especially about empowerment. Moreover, this action allowed to strengthen relationships between OpenRadiation and research teams in participatory sciences, thus paving the way for future collaborations. 


Renaud Martin presenting the OpenRadiation system to the students. 
On the left, Maryse Carmes, responsible for the UEV425 “Citizen measurements and digital participatory sciences” 
Credit : J.M. Bertho/IRSN
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Friday 28 June 2024
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