About us

The OpenRadiation project is a collaborative initiative between five bodies working in different fields: ANCCLI, IFFO-RME, IRSN, PLANETE SCIENCES and SORBONNE UNIVERSITE. This citizen-based not-for-profit project is educational in nature.

Current OpenRadiation project partners (OpenRadiation partners):

ANCCLI Created on September 5, 2000, the ANCCLI, the National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions, federates the experiences and expectations of the 35 Local Information Committees (CLI) and brings the concerns and territorial stakes to national and international authorities. Its mission is to develop citizens' expertise, to share and promote the expression of CLIs at local, national and international levels.

The ANCCLI aims to be a force for proposals and recommendations to institutions and nuclear stakeholders.

One of the essential missions of the CLI is to relay information to the general public and thus allow citizens to form their own opinions on the subject of nuclear energy. The CLIs question the operator (EDF, ORANO, CEA, ANDRA), the ASN and IRSN, organize debates, carry out counter-analyses, monitor the environment, undertake expert assessments and participate in inspections. The work of the CLIs is widely disseminated to the public and institutional partners via newsletters, public meetings, press articles and their websites.

IFFO-RME The French institute for those leading training courses in major risks and the environment aims to simplify the improved incorporation of major risks and the protection of the environment in citizen culture. IFFO-RME is supported by its network of coaches, specialists in prevention, management and educational initiatives to prevent major risks, develops adult training sessions and supports educational activities to improve the understanding of priorities, risks and individual and collective safeguard actions. IFFO-RME has signed conventions with the Ministries of Ecology, National Education, Domestic affairs and Agriculture targeting a shared culture to prevent major risks.

IRSN The French national Institute of radiological protection and nuclear safety contributes its expertise and technical and operational input to support public authorities, particularly in case of a crisis and emergency situations. IRSN defines and implements national and international research programmes. It contributes to training and education in radiation protection, nuclear safety and security. It constantly monitors the field of radiation protection. IRSN helps to inform the public of nuclear and radiological risks. The institute carries out expertise, research and analyses, services for public and private entities. Its team of over 1700 researchers, experts and staff work with shared values: independence, knowledge, local relations.   

PLANETE SCIENCES is a not-for-profit association created in 1962. The association operates as a network with 11 regional delegations, supported by 1000 volunteers and 80 permanent members of staff. Planète Sciences aims to promote an interest in, introductions to and the practice of science and techniques targeting 8 to 25 year olds, as well as teachers, leaders, educators, researchers and parents in their activities with this age group. Approximately 100,000 young people participate in our activities each year. Planète Sciences allows young people to contribute to a global education project, with a fun approach, promoting experimental practices in science and technology. Over and beyond an introduction to science and technology, improving their understanding, the association's approach allows participants to switch from theory to practice, from an idea to results, to experiments, thanks to active involvement. The challenge is to complete a team project from start to finish. The phases organised are based on the practices of research laboratories and in industry.

SORBONNE UNIVERSITE The FabLab of Sorbonne Universities is an open and collaborative interdisciplinary laboratory. The lab hosts a large community of students, researchers and personnel from Sorbonne Universities (UPMC, Paris Sorbonne, MNHN, UTC). It is open to companies and the general public. It is equipped with 3D printers and digitally-controlled machines. The equipment available can be used for the creation of rapid prototypes of physical objects, whether electronic, connected or neither. The lab is equipped with areas dedicated to biology or chemistry. It has been used to develop teaching programmes in project mode, as a team, with an interdisciplinary approach and independently. Thanks to the lab, individuals can develop their own personal projects, in scientific, artistic, fun or entrepreneurial fields. The FabLab community of Sorbonne Universities is involved in several research projects focusing on sustainable development (eco-innovation, citizen science). Lab operation is governed by FabLabs' international charter. The FabLab was supported by Sorbonne University as part of a call for educational projects by the Collège des Licences (Degree board).