Why join the community?

The community: for whom and why?

Reminder: OpenRadiation is a multi-partner initiative aiming to provide environmental radioactivity measurements for all, thanks to all. The community is a space for creating, exchanging and sharing data.

Are you interested in radiological activity? Looking to expand on your knowledge of your geographic segment, organise a measuring campaign, improve the sensor, report on comparative studies, or lead an educational project?  Alone, with someone, as part of a team? The OpenRadiation site can be used to monitor, highlight and share any actions in this field, integrating measurements and contributions to the OpenRadiation map.



On this basis, the OpenRadiation community federates all parties contributing to measurements and the OpenRadiation map. Contributing members can organise specific projects, known as "missions". The organisation consists of all contributors and groups having defined missions and which are part of the OpenRadiation community.